Friday, June 10, 2011

A Tragic Summer Reminder

I think that most parents have probably experienced the paralyzing panic induced by losing sight of their child for a couple of seconds on the playground/shopping mall/(fill in the blank). Ours happened a couple of weeks ago, in a crowded playground. Both the hubby and I were supposed to be watching C, but I thought he was watching her, and he thought I was watching her, and we were both chatting with other parents. I'm sure that we had lost sight of her for under a minute, but a lot can happen in a minute, and we were more than sufficiently freaked out.

And, not that I want to be a fear-monger, a lot can indeed happen in under a minute. 18 seconds, in fact, which is why I'm reposting a blog article that was published in "Philly Mag". It's a tragic but necessary (and extremely timely) reminder of why we need to be keeping a hawk's eye on our kids at all times, especially during swimming season.

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