Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Piggies

So how excited am I to share this? I'd been racking my brain to come up with an activity that would be exclusively for C and me (to help ease her transition from being mama's only little girl to older sister), and I finally hit on mommy-daughter mani/pedis. But, being incredibly fearful of slathering C's poor little nails with toxic waste, I'd held off...until I came across this:
Not only do they have nail polish in the cutest colors imaginable, they have non-toxic nail polish remover! The polish goes on smoothly and dries really quickly, though I have to admit that it chips and peels pretty easily. But who cares? Gives mommy and daughter (or son, I guess) more time to bond. Enjoy pampering your little ladies, ladies!


  1. Do you know about the Environmental Working Group and their Cosmetics Safety Database? http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
    They list most of the cosmetics out there, and for those not listed, you can also look up their ingredients and see the safety score and how much is known about it. It is very helpful when you are trying to find a non-toxic / safer substitute for a cosmetic like sunscreen.

  2. yes, i LOVE that website. i used them for my sunscreen blog!
