Saturday, May 19, 2012

Arsenic in Brown Rice

Given my unflagging support of the croissant industry, I can't really claim to be a gluten-phobe, but the hubby is, so for a while at home our grain of choice has been brown rice.  That is, until a friend of mind alerted me to the fact that brown rice and brown rice products contain elevated levels of arsenic.  (Healthy efforts foiled again, dangnabbit!)  Though I'm the first to acknowledge that the media is always quick to jump on the hyperbole bandwagon and send consumers spiraling into unnecessarily panicked tizzies (APPLE JUICE WILL KILL YOU!!!), I can also see how a mom who feeds her baby formula containing brown rice syrup might be somewhat concerned about the findings reported here (and every other news agency, I guess):
Anyway, I still love me some brown rice, but I have to admit somewhat sheepishly that we've become less frequent eaters of the stuff.  In related news, because I'm always a silver lining kind of gal, I can happily report that I don't feel so guilty any more asking for sticky coconut rice from my favorite Thai restaurant.  (Shut up, waistline.)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this was a shock for us too! we do have to eat gluten free so try as I may to reduce the amount of rice we eat, most of the gluten-free products are made with rice... is there anything left in this world that is still 100% healthy to eat?!
