Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I normally try to stay out of the vaccine fray, since I respect both sides of the debate. I will leave it to the experts to debate the whole vaccine/autism connection, since a) I’m no expert, and 2) I’m pretty much an agnostic when it comes to that particular issue. But as someone who subscribes to a more holistic approach to health, I have been increasingly disturbed by the sheer number of vaccines now given to kids. (Hep-B at birth? What? We respectfully declined that one. And now they’re trying to mandate vaccines for HPV?) Again, I’m not anti-vaccine. Just a bit cautious.

So as I was doing my research on vaccinations, I came across “The Vaccine Book”, by Dr. Sears, which I thought was incredibly well-balanced and easy-to-read, weighing the pros and cons of each kind of vaccine. What’s more, for those parents who are uncomfortable with the idea of such an intense vaccination schedule, he provides an alternative vaccination schedule, which C is following (with some adjustments). So, again, ultimately, C will get all of her required vaccinations, but the shots will be more spread out. Our pediatrician was happy to comply, and I can breathe a bit easier.

So to reiterate, I am not anti-vaccination, so no need to write angry notes to me about how irresponsible I am. And I also know that there are millions of kids out there who are fine on the standard vaccination schedule, so no replies to that effect necessary. :) Ultimately, this post is from one slightly more paranoid mom to another.

Anyway, here’s the link to the book:

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