Why I don’t let C drink cow milk. Oh, milk, you had me at cow pus…
- http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/dangers-of-cows-milk/
- http://www.rense.com/general26/milk.htm
- http://www.organichealthandbeauty.com/Dangers-of-Milk_ep_62-1.html
I could keep posting link after link. No doubt, my pediatrician would roll her eyes at me, but I’m cynical enough — and paranoid enough — to believe that the dairy industry has bought off the entire American population, including the American Academy of Pediatrics. Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good slice of pizza as much as anyone else, and I can’t bring myself to ban all diary products from C’s diet (though I probably should, for intellectual consistency’s sake), but I draw the line when it comes to the liquid stuff. Soy’s hardly better, health-wise, so I stick to hazelnut milk (Pacific makes a DELICIOUS version), and at some point, I’m going take the initiative and make my own almond milk.
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