Being preggo, I downed nearly an entire jumbo-sized bag of peanut M&Ms…after which I read this post on huffingtonpost (my source for all things raging liberal and WTH?):
Do food dyes cause ADHD and cancers? I’ve been following the debate, but the bottom line is, who knows? Maybe it’s all the sugar in our kids’ diets? What I do know is that I certainly don’t trust the FDA to look after my or C’s interests. (How is it that the Europeans have gotten us beat on another safety issue yet again?) So I’m going to apply Laurie David’s advice, originally intended for the FDA, and “assum[e] chemicals are dangerous until proven safe”, which is not to say that C won’t be able to enjoy the occasional sprinkle-covered donut. Let’s just say that we’re going to be conscientious consumers of processed products (at least when C starts to eat voluntarily).
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