Will not elaborate on the recent nightmare trip to and from Corpus Christi, Texas (where the hubby's grandmothers reside) other than to mention several cancellations, detours, last-minute car reservations, waiting on tarmacs, and arriving in the wee hours of the morning both in Texas and back in NY. Still traumatized, to say the least, though C was quite the trooper. But what I did want to mention briefly was a pretty ingenious invention for parents travelling on planes with babies/toddlers.
Like most parents flying economy (i.e., on a budget), we've had C on our laps when stuck in planes. Given my paranoid personality, I've always been freaked out about having C completely unrestrained, held only by my admittedly out-of-shape arms. In any sudden turbulence (think of that airplane scene in the "Lost" pilot), C would pretty much be a rag doll, tossed overhead and severely injured, if not worse. Enter the Baby B'Air, which is an FAA-approved safety vest, with a strap that loops around your own safety belt. The strap is mercifully long enough to allow your child some mobility but short enough to keep him/her from flying out of your lap in the event of sudden turbulence. C never seems to mind it once it's on, and it's peace of mind for me. Here is the link to their website, if you want to check it out (the video on their site is extremely cheesy, but it makes the point):
- http://babybair.com/
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