The Most Amazing Product in the Entire Universe how I feel about the Magic Eraser. And while I just assumed that EVERYONE knew about the Magic Eraser, I have now met around 3 people who've never heard of it. So, on the off-chance that you've never heard of this miracle product, the Magic Eraser will wipe off nearly any stain/mark on any hard surface, which is highly useful when, for instance, your two-year-old decides to use your walls as an art project involving crayons. I love this product so much that 'd marry it if I could (and it doesn't hurt that Mr. Clean is hunky, in a Yul Brunner-esque type of way). Have no idea what witchcraftery is involved in getting this product to work as well as it does, but whatever it is, every family with kids should have a 20-year supply stocked somewhere. And they're not even paying me!
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